6 Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Cleaning


6 Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Cleaning

12 October 2024

Cleaning can often be associated with monotonous or even uninteresting tasks. Those sans motivations end up delaying the process and creating even more disorder. However, some easy methods may help you get into the cleaning frame of mind. Below are six little-known psychological ways to make the process more fun and make your house spotless quickly!

Listen to Upbeat Music

Adding good, lively music is another excellent way to improve your cleaning session. Upbeat music makes you feel fresh and produces dopamine in your brain, making your mood and energy level peppy. It should also be mentioned that faster music and its tempo can help make you move faster as you clean, and this is without your knowledge.

Cleaning Mood

It’s time for a cleaning party, so create a cleaning and energizing music playlist with all your favorite praise, rock, and pop music. Next, you’ll be twirling around the broom like a mop and belting into a toilet scrub brush tunelessly.

Time Yourself

Let your child turn cleaning up his toys, for instance, into a contest – he has to tidy up all toys before the bell rings. Setting deadlines for yourself, down to the daily level, engages your mind’s contest mode and makes tedious tasks seem like a race.

It is best to divide the cleaning up into short cycles; therefore, it is recommended that you try to clean a room in 10 or 15 minutes only. Or how long it takes you to finish some specific chores, for instance, doing all the mirrors or all appliances in the house. Turning cleaning into a competition effectively means the time is wisely spent while attempting to win over your inner rival.

Focus on Small Areas

What more when the corresponding picture shows an entire cluttered home that cannot be put to order anymore? However, it sure doesn’t feel like such a chore when you focus on cleaning only a section of the house at any one time.

In this practice, focus on clearing and cleaning just a tiny segment, such as a corner, a surface or a space on a shelf. When you finish every little chore, you feel good about yourself, wanting to proceed to the next point. Soon enough, you will be surprised and find that the room’s surfaces are clean as a whistle.

Make Cleaning Social

Designing a personal cleaning session seems uninteresting and an act of loneliness. In order to make cleaning more interesting, join someone to clean or call a friend while cleaning the house.

Organise cleaning sessions with friends where you go over social etiquette, play music at total volume, clean to the sound of music, and take turns as you teach your friends the best cleaning approaches. Favorite variant would be to call a friend and talk to him/her as you clean, or call your friend and use speaker so you can gossip as much as you wipe out stains! Company makes everything better!!

Use the 2-Minute Rule

If you are not in the mood to clean, then decide to spend just couple of minutes – two minutes – on the cleaning. You make the work take off and then you just prop yourself up through the job without too much difficulty.

Mood to clean

Using the two-minute rule when you are totally overwhelmed by the clutter or when you particularly dislike a particular task is essential. In the next couple of weeks you’ll be cleaning longer than 10 or 20 minutes and you won’t even notice because you got in the cleaning zone.

It should become a mindfulness practice.

Cleaning as an exercise in mindfulness ‘I must clean’. Spend all of your time on cleaning and washing, while emphasizing touch, sight, smell and entire body movements. Observe the roughness, the odors, noise levels, hue variations, and the sensations you have as you wash.

While cleaning with intention, avoid haste when completing the tasks or permit your thoughts to explore. Be connected with the actual task of wiping, scrubbing, folding and organizing of those things. Translating that into practical terms means that cleaning is not tiring or dull due to the creation of a serene environment.

It does not necessary that cleaning makes you moony and lessens your spirits it can instead be exciting and fun. Use these basic mind hacks to make germ fighting and clutter less living space maintenance fun!